Making Moves & Exciting News

I’ve been swamped lately with moving into my new art studio space in  San Francisco at Get High on Mountains  I’m overwhelmingly excited to be working close to so many talented, professional and interesting people.  Also I expect that having dedicated creative space outside my home for the first time since I got out of art school will be really good for me.  The next open studio there will be on Thursday June 7th so if you’re in San Francisco and you want to drop by I’d love to see you!

I also moved into a new home this month and turned over the keys to a lovely little apartment I share with two creative powerful forces of people.


(what does that even mean?)

I finally ordered my own copy of the Homestead Photography Book I worked on while living in Texas and a video of me discussing that work will be up on my youtube account (which currently features some poorly produced yoga videos) soon.

I’ve got a new project cooking using Instax mini film some of which can be checked on on my Instagram 

I spend a ton of time at The Circus Center in San Francisco   working on aerial performance training. Which is definitely one of my favorite things in life.

Anyway that’s a quick update with a ton of links to check out which will HOPEFULLY motivate me to update all the other things.  I recently confessed on my personal Facebook page that I feel I have isolated myself from the world and all the people who were close to me which was largely responded to with “What are you talking about! live your life! tell us of your adventures!” So here I am back again ready to bare all (realistically some, I don’t think my boundaries from my early 20’s were all that healthy either) to the world, overcome my fears, and make connections with you.

All my love!

– Kenna

Cheer Deer getting ready for a street fair here in SF HAPPY SPRING and SUMMER <3