Today I am writing from a cute cafe in Lakeland, FL the town that my in-laws live in. I didn’t visit Florida a lot as a kid or really spend any time here but its always a delightful adventure with new types of animals and plants I’m unfamiliar with. The Cafe is Concord Coffee a modern roaster and cafe much like something I would find all over the place in SF. They even have avocado toast!

This coming year I will be returning to Clown Conservatory at the Circus Center for our second semester of silliness. My classmates and I will be building a final show (come see it in late March) learning more comedy skills and preparing to travel to Bali Indonesia with Clown Corps I periodically make a vlog post on youtube about my Clown Conservatory experience, let me know if you are interested in seeing those! For more information about the trip to Bali and how you can send joy, and theater education to the rural children of Bali check out my gofundme for the project
I’m working on a series of paintings in my art studio at Get High on Mountains featuring pastel colors and clouds that really excites me. For images of that work check out my art Instagram

Thanks for reading, keep in touch!
All my love,