Panorama: Windows

so thats really hard to see, because if it were the original size it would be 10″ by 153″
but its really cool, the point and shoot I got for my birthday has a panorama assist setting.
so thats my dorm room in 350 degrees.
I hope to do more with that later.
New discovery with my therapist today:
I’m into windows.
In this project I have taken a lot of pictures of windows.
Something about how they frame, and separate our world and people and thoughts…
I’m excited about the constructed realities project.
Probably because I have control issues (don’t we all?)
I all ready have a few ideas that I can’t wait to work on.
Going to finish printing tonight.
apparently I share a birthday with the author of the feminist manifesto
Virginia Woolf.
That explains a lot of things.